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Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Give yourself the credit you deserve for saving a life!

Many of the animals that find themselves in adoption programs come from less desirable situations. This means that they have already overcome a lot in their short time in this world. It is up to you to teach your pup how to interact with people, other pets, and how to behave respectfully towards your home and belongings. Here are a few things you will need to know to help your new pup adjust.

  • Your new puppy will most likely cry at night, or even all night, for a short period while they are getting used to their new environment. This is completely normal for dogs and puppies. Please keep in mind (when you are awke at 3:15am listening to your pup howl) that they are not used to being without their littermates. While in our care, littermates are kept together for comfort, and your puppy WILL adjust to being on his own- it's all just a matter of time... and patience.
  • Give them "safe toys" (visit our Recommended Toys page) to have with them in their crate to occupy them while you are busy.
  • Try putting a warm water bottle (make sure that it is virtually indesctructible, like Nalgene brand) wrapped in an old towel with them in the crate. This will provide the warmth that littermates gave while they were cuddled up at night.
  • You may try setting an egg timer (or other ticking device) just OUTSIDE the crate. This sound will simulate the heartbeat of another animal, and is very soothing for young puppies.
  • Provide regular exercise. Not only is it good for them, body and mind, but it will also wear them out for a better night's sleep (for you AND them).


Having trouble at night?

Knowing when to go to your pet, and when NOT to go to him will make a huge difference in the amount of time it will take him to settle in AND crate train/house train.

When to go to him:
  • If he has been content in the crate, or has been asleep for a while and wakes up suddenly and starts whining or crying, he probably has to 'use the grass'.
  • If you hear any noise that sounds unusually distressed, such as a sharp, constant, high-pitched yelp. Your pet may be stuck or gotten into something.
  • First thing in the morning.
When NOT to go to him:
  • If you have just put him into the crate and he has already been fed, had water, and 'used the grass', and he is whining. As long as you know that he is safe and secure (and there is NOTHING in the crate with him, aside from super durable, indestructable toys, like a Kong), then DO NOT go to him. If he whines for 20 minutes and then you give in and let him out, you have just taught him that if he whines for 20 minutes, you will let him out. Then, the next time, he will whine for 30 minutes until you give in again. Then he will whine for 45 minutes, and so on. The more you go to him at the wrong time, the longer it will take him to get the hang of it, and the more annoying the incessent whining will become. Giving in to the whining may also trigger separation anxiety because when you do actually leave him to go to the store, he may become panicky and cry for hours on end knowing that you will eventually give in and come and let him out.

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