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Your New Dog!

First of all, congratulations on the new addition to your family! Give yourself the credit that you deserve!

Many of the animals in adoption programs have come from less desirable situations. This means, that they have already overcome a lot in their short time on this planet! It is up to you to teach your new dog how to interact appropriately with people, other pets, and how to behave respectfully towards your home and belongings. Here are a few things you will need to understand to help your new dog adjust!

Your dog will most likely cry at night, or even all night for a short while while they are getting used to their new environment. This is completely normal for dogs and puppies. Please keep in mind (when you are awake at 3:15am listening to your new dog howl) that they are not used to being in their new surroundings.

Some tips:

  • Make sure that you take your dog outside before they are put into their crate for the night. This will ensure that they are not, in fact, trying to tell you that they have to "use the grass".
  • Provide them with regular exercise. Not only is it good for them, body and mind, it will also wear them out for a good night's sleep (for you and for them).
  • Take the water bowl away about one hour before bed. This will limit the number of timer you are woken up overnight.
  • Give them "safe toys" (visit our Recommended Toys page) to have with them in their crate to occupy them while you cannot.

Most importantly, enjoy them! Give your dog the opportunity to shine!

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